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AANP AGPCNP COMPLETE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS An 88-year-old presents with right-side weakness after being unable to rise unassisted following a fall to the bathroom floor. History includes aphasia and noncompliance with hypertension medicat

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AANP AGPCNP COMPLETE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS An 88-year-old presents with right-side weakness after being unable to rise unassisted following a fall to the bathroom floor. History includes aphasia and noncompliance with hypertension medication regimen. What is the most likely diagnosis? Left-sided or right-sided CVA? LEFT-SIDED CVA Which of the following signs/symtpoms are often associated with headahces due to intracranial tumor? 1) pain worse laying down, focal neurolo...

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  • Examen
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por joycewanjiku0036 • 
  • subido  04-01-2024
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