NUR511 (NR511)

Chamberlain College of Nursing

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(latest 2022/2023) •	Define diagnostic reasoning.   •	Identify subjective & objective data.  •	Identify the components of the HPI.  •	Develop an appropriate differential.  •	Accurately describe why every procedure code must have a corresponding diagnosis
  • (latest 2022/2023) • Define diagnostic reasoning. • Identify subjective & objective data. • Identify the components of the HPI. • Develop an appropriate differential. • Accurately describe why every procedure code must have a corresponding diagnosis

  • Samenvatting • 4 pagina's • 2020
  • (latest 2022/2023) • Define diagnostic reasoning. • Identify subjective & objective data. • Identify the components of the HPI. • Develop an appropriate differential. • Accurately describe why every procedure code must have a corresponding diagnosis code. • Identify the three components required in determining an outpatient, office visit E&M code. • Describe the differences between medical billing and medical coding. o • Compare and contrast the two ...
  • $11.49
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